Assisted Suicide Legal, Safeguards Dropped, and Further Expansion Sought
2024—Expansion bill SB1196 introduced then withdrawn. Would have withdrawn six-month prognosis to allow a “grievous and irremediable medical condition” instead of terminal illness to qualify for lethal drugs; would have allowed people with dementia to access assisted suicide; would have allowed IV infusion (self-administered), would have remove residency requirement, would have removed sunset date.
2021—SB380 passed—law expanded by reducing waiting period from 15 days to 48 hours, eliminates final attestation form, required physicians unwilling to participate to document and refer, prohibits deceptive practices, requires posting of policies, extends sunset to 2031.
2018—AB282 passed—law expanded by amending criminal code to “prohibit a person whose actions are compliant with the End of Life Option Act from being prosecuted for deliberately aiding, advising, or encouraging suicide.”
2016—End of Life Option Act (AB15) signed into law by Gov. Brown. Goes into effect June 9, 2016.
2015—End of Life Option Act (AB15) passed by the legislature.