Assisted Suicide Bill Introduced after veto in 2024

2025—HB 140 (an Act “Relating To End Of Life Options”), which would legalize physician- and advanced registered nurse practitioner-assisted suicide, is assigned to the House Health & Human Development Committee.

2024—Engrossed HB 140 passes House 21-16 (4 absent), goes to Senate where it fails 9-9 (1 not voting, 2 absent). Motion to reconsider made on final day of session, passes 11-10. Governor vetos the bill. Bill History.

2023—DE HB 140—proposes legalization of assisted suicide. Passed out of Health & Human Development Committee; no further action.

2023—Quick_Testimony in Opposition to DE HB 140, May 16, 2023

2022—Amendment to HB 140 introduced; no further action.

2021—HB 140, “The Ron Silverio/Heather Block Delaware End of Life Options Act,” introduced, assigned to Health & Human Development Committee; no further action.

2019—HB 140, "The Ron Silverio/Heather Block End of Life Options Law" introduced in Health & Human Development Committee; no progression.

2018— Amendment to HB 160 filed in Jan. 2018; no further action.

2017—HB 160, “End of Life Options Act,” introduced, passes Health & Human Development Committee; no vote ever taken by House.

Amendment to HB 160 filed in June 2017

2015—HB 150, “An Act to Amend Title 16 of the Delaware Code Relating to Death with Dignity,” introduced; does not advance.


